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Power to the Juniors? Hell no!

Power to the Juniors? Hell no!

I admit, that it is really provocative, but it’s still an understandable statement in the current business world.
Of course, everyone wants to move up quickly in their profession and is proud to get a nice title, but with that comes a certain responsibility, and above all, expectation.
Can you say that you rightly hold the title of “Industry Expert” or “Principal Consultant” at the moment? It is important that experience and knowledge are not depreciated by titles. But it is equally important that titles do not promise more than there is actually behind them. Often these are used as a pretext, which then quickly has a negative effect in projects. You are welcome to pass off consultants as “Senior Consultants” to make it sound better to the client. However, this will not cushion the failure of a project due to a lack of experience and knowledge.

As always, it’s the mix that makes the difference. Build teams so that a “veteran” consultant can impart the necessary knowledge to a junior in an appropriate amount of time. Put the junior on the train, car or plane and let him experience live what a consultant does every day and how he advises his prospects or clients. Let him work out parts of concepts, take over a part of the moderation or even a part of a presentation. Provocate him and check if he really understood everything the way it was supposed to be understood. Teach him the language of sales, marketing and service so that he communicates correctly and also advises correctly later on. It’s the little things in the many, long-term projects that make the customer relationship so special. Teach them that theory and practice often differ greatly, but are important on both sides.

I understand that titles as Seniors and Principles or even Managing Director or Head of Something sell better and also sound better than beginners, newcomers and juniors. Nevertheless, this is not a knock-out criterion with clear, transparent communication in the exchange with the prospect or customer. Each of us has dared to start once and each of us has earned this chance. Your contact person knows that too, each of them and they now that this needs to be appreciated.

Don’t exaggerate, be honest, with yourself and with the customer. Gather experience, knowledge, even your own references and stay on track with innovations and changes. Only then you will act confidently and authentically, and this is forever the best way to convince your counterpart. You don’t need a title to be an expert. It doesn’t even matter to you if you have one, because your knowledge and actions speak for themselves.

It’s like the rich and the super rich.
The rich often have to show off, prove, brag about their success and present this openly to the outside world. The super rich doesn’t care about all that at all, wears a hoodie, just wants his peace because he knows what he is capable of and doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone.

Be bold, but self-reflective. Do your thing and keep it to yourself.

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